Choose Your Accessories Wisely

💡Have you ever thought how much a hair accessory can change the vibe of the whole hairstyle? 🧐Don’t believe us ? Just wait! We have 4 incredible accessories from Pink Pewter - All demonstrating different vibes. All placed on the same MODERN FRENCH TWIST .

1️⃣ Hera Pearl Clip. Vintage Gatsby feels for you.

2️⃣ Zara Tree. Romantic + whimsical.

3️⃣ Astoria Hair Comb. Art deco vibes.

4️⃣ Queen Jetsun Pearl. Modern minimalist glam.

Last image is no accessory for comparison.

Why does this matter? Perhaps you’re attempting to achieve a certain look and the accessory can drive home that aesthetic or it can completely fight it. You want to think of the details of each accessory and think does this help it does it hurt? Is it aligned with your aesthetic or is it sending a different message? Of course we want it to be aligned . If you find yourself looking at a hairstyle and feeling like it’s “off” it could be the accessory ( or lack there of). Don’t fret in those moments. Instead play with other accessories and see how it shifts the vibe. If your hairstyle is a rather neutral and you want just a hint of your vibe, theme or aesthetic an accessory can be a easy way to level up and nudge that in to your bridal beauty look.

Does the hair style matter? Yes and no. There are certain accessories that nestle so nicely into certain hairstyles and there are other accessories that don’t work as well in the same hairstyles. For example a long vine works better in a cascading look than a low bun but you can always choose a shorter vine or tuck and hide some of the length. A pearl comb may look great in a low bun but there’s the hurdle of where it place it in a cascading braid. If an accessory just isn’t vining with a hairstyle that you know you love, ask yourself “what do I love about this accessory?”. If its the pearls in that pearl comb example look for other similar vibe pearl acessories like clusters on hair pins so they can make their way through the hairstyle.

Take another look at those hair accessories with these thoughts in mind. See how different accessories lend themselves to different aesthetics and may play better with different looks. This about your own aesthetic; your own style. Which is your favorite?

Get your very own @pinkpewter + use code “ THESTYLISTABROAD “ for 10% off! While we receive a small commission all opinions are our own.

Doll head from Pivot Point and hair products used from AIIR Professional ( use code Ashley10 ) .