How to Prep for a Poppin Pony or High Bun

Have you heard what’s trending for updos in 2023 ? Poppin ponytails and high buns ! Think an energetic but sexy ponytail and high buns reminiscent of Pamela Anderson vibes. Are you in love with these looks ! We love that for you but real talk… do you regularly wear looks like this? If not there’s a couple things to need to do to prep before the big day from a both a logistic & aesthetic perspective.

From a logistic perspective your hair & scalp need to get used to the new, high up position. If not you’ll end up with a headache. I’m sure you’ve experienced the dreaded headache after having your hair in a power pony, especially a tight one. But then you see those people who have a power pony everyday, all day & just wonder how. Repetition ! So if you want to wear a high style that’s high on your head start wearing your hair in a high bun or high ponytail 3-4 times a week. This will condition your the hair follicles near your scalp to become more accustomed to that position. Now what if you try and you already get a headache? Go a little lower - closer to a mid height ponytail. Then when you can go conscictantly at that height without a headache move it up. Keep repeating until you can get to your desired height.

From an aesthetic perspective think of how you look with your hair up. Do you like it ? Or does it feel strange? If it feels strange it may be because it’s new & you’re not yet used to it. As you practice as mentioned before not only will you physically get more used to it but you will get more used to seeing yourself with a ponytail or a high bun. Lets say though that even after seeing your hair up high you still don’t feel like it’s YOU. Ask yourself what don’t you like about it? Is it to tight or slick? Let’s soften it. Are you used to hair around your face? Add face framing pieces. Little adjustments like this can make a world of difference ! During your trial make sure to mention these things along with any preferences or insecurities so the stylist can deliver the best version for your needs & wants.

These steps will help you prepare for the poppin pony or high bun. I know it may seem silly to “practice” for a hairstyle but why would you expect to automatically love something that’s so different from your typical look when you are only basing your love off of an inspiration photo? Loving something new can take some warming up. So if you dream of a high pony or bun to optimize the likelihood you’ll love it at the trial & not be disappointed or frustrated I would suggest prepping. Not to mention who wants a headache? Not me !

From a logistic perspective your hair & scalp need to get used to the new, high up position. If not you’ll end up with a headache. I’m sure you’ve experienced the dreaded headache after having your hair in a power pony, especially a tight one. But then you see those people who have a power pony everyday, all day & just wonder how. Repetition ! So if you want to wear a high style that’s high on your head start wearing your hair in a high bun or high ponytail 3-4 times a week. This will condition your the hair follicles near your scalp to become more accustomed to that position. Now what if you try and you already get a headache? Go a little lower - closer to a mid height ponytail. Then when you can go conscictantly at that height without a headache move it up. Keep repeating until you can get to your desired height.

From an aesthetic perspective think of how you look with your hair up. Do you like it ? Or does it feel strange? If it feels strange it may be because it’s new & you’re not yet used to it. As you practice as mentioned before not only will you physically get more used to it but you will get more used to seeing yourself with a ponytail or a high bun. Lets say though that even after seeing your hair up high you still don’t feel like it’s YOU. Ask yourself what don’t you like about it? Is it to tight or slick? Let’s soften it. Are you used to hair around your face? Add face framing pieces. Little adjustments like this can make a world of difference ! During your trial make sure to mention these things along with any preferences or insecurities so the stylist can deliver the best version for your needs & wants.

These steps will help you prepare for the poppin pony or high bun. I know it may seem silly to “practice” for a hairstyle but why would you expect to automatically love something that’s so different from your typical look when you are only basing your love off of an inspiration photo? Loving something new can take some warming up. So if you dream of a high pony or bun to optimize the likelihood you’ll love it at the trial & not be disappointed or frustrated I would suggest prepping. Not to mention who wants a headache? Not me !